Permittee of the Year – Goforth Special Utility District
Goforth was one of the first permittees to recognize the limited availability from their Edwards production wells and responded accordingly by seeking out and securing alternative surface water supplies via their GBRA contract.
They have a history of proactive water supply planning as demonstrated by the future water sources study completed in Dec. 2009. The District has worked actively with Goforth, at their request, on implementing a new and improved water conservation plan as one of their future water supply strategies and has also had productive discussions of possibly partnering with the District on future saline Edwards desalination projects.
During 2008-2009 District-declared droughts, The Board of Goforth SUD made a decision to nearly double their monthly volume of purchase GBRA and reduce their average Edwards pumpage from 500,000 gpd to 120,000 gpd. The decision resulted in monthly pumpage well below the drought mandated targets throughout the remainder of the drought.
Operationally, Goforth has an impressive record of promptly indentifying and addressing all leaks and line breaks resulting in minimal line loss. This coupled with their efforts to communicate and provide information on conservation measures to their end-users has produced an average water use rate of 85 gpcd.
Administratively, they have set a high bar with a consistent history of timely submitted and accurate meter readings and fee payments and prompt response to all District correspondence.
Goforth has proven to be a model permittee in many ways and the Staff of the BSEACD wishes to recognize and commend their efforts by awarding them with “Permittee of the Year.”